Hamilton, February 17th, 2023 – The West End Home Builders’ Association received the Home Builders’ Association of the Year Award at the Canadian Home Builders’ Association Leadership Awards, which took place on February 16 in Banff, AB. The WE HBA Members, Board of Directors and Staff are honoured to receive this significant national industry recognition, which is an acknowledgement of all the hard work, ground-breaking changes and strategic initiatives put in place over the past year. The award recognizes overall excellence from across the entire country by a Home Builders’ Association for the 2022 year, for delivering a strong and positive voice for the home building industry and for supporting the business success of members and their ability to provide affordability, quality and choice in housing for consumers.

In 2022, WE HBA finalized and approved a new Strategic Plan to guide the Association for 2022-2024 and took bold steps through advocacy efforts resulting in important public policy changes towards addressing the housing crisis. During the past year, WE HBA also strengthened the member experience, pivoted its communication efforts and managed to grow the membership and quality of services. The Association also significantly increased its community presence and involvement, through numerous community initiatives and by forming partnerships with organizations and institutions that share similar vision and values.

“We are honoured to receive this prestigious national recognition and are grateful for the support and dedication of the WE HBA Staff, Members, and partners. We will continue our longstanding role as an advocate for the industry with various levels of government and we look forward to maintaining active engagement locally, provincially, and federally.” says Terri Johns, WE HBA President.

WE HBA Member Tom Cochren of Thomas Cochren Homes, also received national industry recognition as he was named Member of the Year at the Canadian Home Builders’ Association Leadership Awards, for his decades-long contribution to the residential construction Industry. Over the past few years, the West End Home Builders’ Association has made major steps towards increasing its marketing and advocacy efforts, substantially improving the membership experience and spearheading events and initiatives that support and benefit the local community. After receiving the Provincial and National top honours for local Home Builders’ Associations in 2019, the WE HBA Board of Directors and Staff are humbled and honoured for this incredible Industry recognition.



About West End HBA: Since 1942, the West End Home Builders’ Association (WE HBA) has been the voice of the local residential construction industry. WE HBA provides an effective voice for the land development, home building and renovation industries, as well as for new home buyers. WE HBA is actively engaged in working to ensure its members’ interests are represented at all three levels of government and advocates on behalf of consumers for choice, affordability, and sufficient supply.

Press Contact: Elena Balaska, Manager of Membership & Communications, elena@westendhba.ca | (289) 208 1442