May 13, 2021 – Hamilton, Ontario: The West End Home Builders’ Association (WE HBA) is pleased to hear of the joint announcement made by Federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Catherine McKenna, and Ontario Minister of Transportation, Caroline Mulroney, to provide funding to get shovels in the ground for the Hamilton LRT. WE HBA is a strong supporter of the Hamilton LRT and are pleased to see the Federal and Provincial governments working together to invest in this game changing transit project. The Hamilton LRT has had enduring support from the new housing and development industry in Hamilton, and the funding announced today by our upper levels of government is a vote of confidence in our City’s future.
WE HBA CEO, Mike Collins-Williams stated, “The City of Hamilton will benefit from the creation of many well paying jobs in the skilled trades and the many future jobs that will be created through private sector investment along the transit route.”
Hamilton is well ahead of the game in terms of the work our City has done to support and invest in the LRT over the past several years. City Council has pre-zoned most of the Hamilton LRT corridor for transit-oriented development to encourage new development. The construction of the LRT is a much-needed piece of the puzzle, along with further efforts that will be needed to streamline planning and further up-zoning along the LRT route to achieve the ambitious intensification targets the City of Hamilton is considering.
WE HBA President, Bianca Bruzzese stated, “Building the Hamilton LRT will support the members of WE HBA to build new homes in transit-oriented communities and contribute to further positive investment in Hamilton’s post-pandemic economic recovery.”
The Hamilton LRT project is the first stage of a Council approved 25-year transit vision designed to reduce congestion, spur urban intensification, lower GHG emissions, and upgrade critical infrastructure. The Hamilton LRT is a shovel-ready infrastructure project that will provide a foundation for Hamilton to grow into a dynamic, prosperous city and drive economic recovery.
To arrange an interview with WE HBA CEO Mike Collins-Williams, please contact Elena Balaska at 289-208-1442 or at
The West End Home Builders’ Association (WE HBA) is the voice of the land development, new housing and professional renovation industries in Hamilton and Halton Region. The WE HBA represents nearly 300 member companies made up of all disciplines involved in land development and residential construction, including: builders, developers, professional renovators, trade contractors, consultants, and suppliers. The residential construction industry employed over 27,300 people, paying $1.7 billion in wages, and contributed over $3.0 billion in investment value within the Hamilton Census Metropolitan Area in 2019.